Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!

This week we were playing with Mo Willams’ Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. We were armed with some simple cardboard props and a lot of energy.I was joined again this week by expert naughty pigeon Becki Gerrard. Becki’s Physical and expressive performance of the irate pigeon had bobble hatted adventurers from all three rooms engrossed and often giggling.

With a few children off sick from the Sunshine Room we invited some of the 0-2s from the Rainbow Room to come and join us on our afternoon adventure. They put their hats on and listened well, perhaps somewhat bemused.We played the adventurers song at the start and end of each of our sessions and the young people responded very well. In the morning we played and sang a calming lullaby version after the manic pigeon bus driving. And in the Sunshine room there were a couple of children who are interested in the guitar so it we played a couple of extra songs before we left to allow them a chance to hear more and play along.You’ll also be pleased to hear that the pigeon did not get to drive the bus until adequate training had been provided. 




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